Our Allies
We believe so much more may be accomplished through collaboration and “allyship” than competition. We cherish a variety of organizational relationships to nurture a movement for universal access to high quality, accessible, affordable health care services and education for families during the childbearing years. And we seek to embody love and compassion in action along with social justice principles, inside a human rights framework.
This page declares our intention to honor allied organizations. We hope you will take a moment to learn more. Stay tuned for additional allies coming soon!

Global Health Visions
Website: https://www.globalhealthvisions.com/
Contact Person: Nejla Liias
Contact's Email: nejla.liias@ghvisions.com
Physical Address: 186 Hommelville Road, Saugerties, NY 12466
Phone: 917.693.1975
Our Network Partners
Cameroon Agenda for Sustainable Development
Hope Foundation for Bangladesh
National Birth Equity Collaborative (NBEC)
Website: https://birthequity.org/
Contact Person: Zainab Jah
Contact's Email: info@birthequity.org
Physical Address: 4747 Earhart Blvd, Suite I, New Orleans LA 70125
1301 Connecticut Ave, NW Ste 200, Washington, DC 20026 -
Instagram: @birthequity
Twitter: @birthequity
Facebook: @birthequity

Perinatal Rescue Network
Website: https://perinatalrescue.org
Contact Person: Lisa Cordova
Contact's Email: lkhulse@yahoo.com
Physical Address: PO Box 406 Medford, OR 97501
Phone: 530.966.0886

Revolutionary Love Project
Contact Person: Julianna Piazzola
Contact's Email: Julianna@RevolutionaryLoveProject.com
Physical Address: The Revolutionary Love Project
University of Southern California, University Park Campus University Religious Center, Room 106 Los Angeles, CA 90089 -
Instagram: @revloveproject
Twitter: @RevLoveProject
Facebook: @revloveproject/

Southern Oregon Birth Connections
Contact Person: Laura Roe
Contact's Email: info.sobc@gmail.com
Physical Address: 1467 Siskiyou Boulevard #146, Ashland, OR 97520
Phone. 541-482-6067

The White Ribbon Alliance
Website: https://www.whiteribbonalliance.org
Contact Person: Elena Ateva
Contact's Email: EAteva@whiteribbonalliance.org
Physical Address: 1100 17th St NW Suite 800, Washington, DC, 20036
Phone: 202-204-0324